Feathered Quill published an interview of me today, following its review last week of the novel, Toys in Babylon - A Language App Parody and Whodunnit. These were the questions:
  1. First I would like to tell you that I absolutely loved this story. I think it is so much fun and such an interesting presentation. I was impressed with every bit of it. I know you explained in the beginning of the book how it came to be but I am wondering what made you decide to take it and go further and put it out there in book form for all readers.
  2. I really adored the characters, both human and cartoon. When you were writing it, did you develop any particular favorite(s)?
  3. Do you have any plans to continue with these characters and give readers another glimpse into their lives or is this the end of them?
  4. I see by your author blurb that you have spent most of your life working in law and finance. What made you start writing? Is it just a hobby or something that you see as your new career?
  5. Can you share with the readers a bit about other book(s) that you have written?
  6. Having no background in languages myself I am wondering how many different languages you have studied and what your favorites are?
  7. When Patrick Finegan is not writing or working, what does he like to do? Any particular hobbies that you focus your time on?
  8. I always like to ask about an author’s favorite genres/writers. What types of books do you like to read yourself if there is time? Are there any particular authors that have influenced you and your own writing along the way?
  9. Can you tell us what is next for Patrick Finegan in life? Any new books on the horizon?
You can read the entire interview here: https://featheredquill.com/author-interview-patrick-finegan-2/
Thank you, Feathered Quill!